Saturday, June 18, 2011

Horsefly Hike

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Horse-fly Facts

Horsefly? Yes. Because as soon as you get above the clouds, you're greeted by another type of cloud: that of a million blood-sucking horse flies. Relentless beasts, that prolly haven't fed on human blood in a while. At least it seemed that way. And if you slowed down for even one bit, they get more aggressive, attacking your face, making us keep an unforgiving pace up the already tough climb.

It's like the forest was trying to shoo us away. Luckily we met a guy that shared some of his bug-spray with us. We were already at the top, but it was still a welcome reprieve. They still swarmed, but at least they stopped biting.

Aside from that, the hike was pretty cool. Being under and inside the clouds was nice. The view above them was awesome (in between shooing flies.) (Towel was extra handy for this) Brawny the dog was a trooper. I wish he was a pet frog, or praying mantis though. Or pet giant spider web. Or pet blow-torch...yeah! (not really. only you can prevent forest fires.)

Mileage: - About 12.2 miles


- Maybe 7 flies. (not in one blow) (they feel like tiny raisins when you brush them off)

- My feet. 3 blisters. Yeah, pretty steep going down. Might need new shoes.

- Our sunny disposition.

Highlight of the hike:

- Getting back to the parking lot and sitting down with a can of cold cream soda.

- 2nd highlight: Peanut butter and jelly sandwich mm. Crunchy.

Started at 8am in chantry flats, got back to the lot at 5pm. Decent hike. Wouldn't do it again, at least not when the flies are around. -_-

Why is it that I always do these extreme hikes with Mel? Good times.

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