San Francisco pictures cometh!
Took me long enough, I know I know. I'm not even really finished yet either. There are more than 600 pictures to sort through, and that's after the first pass already. It's just hard for me to let go of pictures from a city that I love. But then again, most of the pictures I took were architectural stuff, among the usual pics of meandering me and I figure not everybody would like to see my every step, and every alley, and every block I came across to, and so I just put in this quick compilation. They're mostly the "fancy-shmancy" shots that people like to see, so we'll call them "fancy shmancy compilation." If you ask me, I'd rather see the beauty in banality. Don't worry, I'll include those too after this.
So here it is for now: The Fancy Shmancy compilation of my S.F. Trip. <-- click.
Now, for the more adventurous of youz, (or maybe just plain bored), I'll put the day-to-day shots of the trip. (see below) :] I think it's neater this way, being a sort of journey I can walk you through. Emphasis on walk, as this time around, I literally just walked everywhere, purposely going down streets I've never gone down before in prior visits. I also tried to avoid the touristy stuff. If you wanna see those, you can go hit Google, right?
***UPDATE: !! Here they are, the day-to-day takes of the trip:
Day 2 - Walking around SF
Day 6 - Last Walk through the City
and..we're done! Geez I hope you guys like all that, cuz I'll have you know that my @$$ hurts from sitting at the boba place waiting for the uploads. I seem to have lost all (if any) junk in my trunk while walking those SF hills. But now that I'm back in L.A., I can imbibe on endless boba to facilitate my boba butt. (_|_)
!! 600!!
you must have enjoyed yourself quite a bit to be that snap-happy
!! Hi sister squid.
Yeah it was the break I didn't think I needed but did.
I actually didn't want to take pictures when I first got there. Just wanted to breathe and be blank. I had fun as I loosened up though.
In prior visits I would go up there with a purpose and come back home feeling empty. This time around I went up there with nothing in mind and came back with a promise. So..maybe that made a difference, if it makes any sense to you. :p
Hope you like the tour! You should go there, as it's a haven for artisans of culinary delight. Pay no mind that I ate jollibee while there. hehe.
A promise you say? What type of promise might that be?
And I do want to go back west for a visit or a stay.. but gotta find the funds before I can do that again ):
Not to mention my family would be so paranoid I would have to be on the phone with them almost 24/7 for as long as I meandered around.
I wish you had taken more pictures of the market though..... oh the joy I would have to be able to walk through there and pick out fresh ingredients<3
the Market! no i didn't even go to the cool market, market. They have this indoor market type thing by the piers where you can get everything. One shop, as I was told, has nothing but mushrooms. There's still so much to see there. But that's a good thing. :]
wow, fast reply!
mushrooms are nommy. I would love a shop full of nothing but fruit.
I need to go to the dallas farmer's market sometime, but I need to figure out how to go there...
and if I were to do a trek through cali would you put me up for a night? *does poor college student eyes*
Hm..I'll think about it.
Only if you cook nommy stuff. u_u
And accompany me to get boba.
Fair enough. But I want to try a frangelico boba?
And what was the promise you came away with?
that's a lot of seals...
I like your photography. Where are the paparazzi pictures? Haha.
Did you just make a trip up there for fun?
Sid you can staaaay at my house.... except we'd have to figure the dates out so you come either during the winter or in the summer when I'm actually around!! :D
But anywaaaay, boxyboy, you're pictures were so mmmmmm, refreshing. I totally get what you mean about the whole go-up-there-without-a-purpose-yet-end-up-having-one which is much better than the other way around. I've been a bit homesick lately, and seeing those familiar places/types-of-places (haha, cable cars) was really really nice. :) *sigh* I love the seals! SO CUTE.
The name says it all. :(
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