Monday, July 19, 2010

Yet Another Obon

:] There's a lot of these going on ain't it? Summer (Natsu) and Minyo Station are going to be performing at a lot of these. (yes there are more to come!)

click on pictures visit slideshow :]

Friday, July 16, 2010

Minyo Station at Alhambra

Just a quickie upload. Too cute. Natsu and her Minyo Station pals performed earlier.

The rest: Click!

**** **** **** (o_o)

new pic from Oiwa Kota! (other guy that was taking pictures at the shindig. Also the MPA corporate director) Thanks for including me in this gathering! :]

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Luscious Strawberry Lassi

I had no mangoes, but I had a bunch of strawberries! :9

Six String Sashimi

Just occurred to me that my guitar resembles deliciousness. :9